The first and an exclusive in Ukraine Center for Creativity Research was established at KROK Business School.
Capabilities of the Center for Research on Creativity:
Its activity is aimed at carrying out applied research in relevant areas:
Oksana Sedashova, Ph.D., business coach, psychologist, researcher, speaker, Certificated NLP Master-Practitioner, expert-practitioner in the field of intellectual and creative personality development, a specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the field of creative thinking, a priority whose scientific validity of the proposed strategies and models, as well as their lightness and effectiveness in practical application. Author of articles, educational programs, trainings, a models of creativity.
The Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation (WCCI)
Webster University Geneva, Switzerland
The Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation (WCCI) is the result of the cooperation between departments at Webster University Geneva, partnerships with other Webster campuses, and a wide network of universities and organizations from Europe, the US and other parts of the world. Their shared vision is that creativity and innovation can be studied scientifically, that this study needs to be systemic, developmental and multidisciplinary, and that creative and innovative processes should be cultivated as part of a collective effort to respond to the many challenges of today and tomorrow.
World Creativity and Innovation Week
World Creativity and Innovation Day (WCID) is celebrated on April 21 since 2001. In 2006, WCID became the Week of Creativity and Innovation (WCIW), which begins annually on April 15th on the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci. Since 2017, the United Nations recommends celebrating this day and planning the events of the Creativity and Innovation Week in order to attract people around the world to use their creativity to make the world better and their place in the world better, as well as encourage them to use a creative approach to solving problems, related to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.
Dave Birss (UK, London) - an expert in the field of creativity, a researcher, author of bestsellers on the development of creativity, which are included in the lists for reading the best advertising schools in the world ("A User Guide to the Creative Mind", "How To Get To Great Ideas", "Iconic Advantage: Don't Chase the New, Innovate the Old"); speaker, film maker, Right Thinking creator.
Walter Vandervеlde (Belgium, Brussels) - Professor of Business Creativity at Erasmus University College Brussels, Speaker and Coach of Business Creativity, author of the book "When the Box is the Limit".