
Mediation and Conflict Management

The Master's Program in Mediation and Conflict Management

Mediation: Training and Society Transformation/ MEDIATS

Project goal: enable Universities to be one of the key players in facilitation of the processes of mediation in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine to enhance democracy and objective problem resolution by acquiring best European practices.

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Certificate Mediators Basic Skills

For whom will the course be useful:

  • Anyone who wants to improve their communication and negotiation skills;
  • Judges and representatives of the judiciary;
  • Lawyers, notaries, lawyers;
  • Top managers, heads of departments
  • Heads of human management departments
  • Trade unionists;
  • Education workers;
  • Government officials and public figures.
  • Psychologists, sociologists, consultants

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Specific project objectives: 

  1. To develop and implement Master's degree program "Mediation".
  2. To establish sustainable Mediation Federation.
  3. To promote mediation values within the society in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine.

​Project Duration: 7 November 2019 - 14 November 2021.

​Project Coordinator: Netherlands Business Academy, the Netherlands.

Project Co-coordinator: KROK University, Ukraine.

The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Project Details

Application process for grant funded by Erasmus is finished on October, 29, 2019.

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