
Department of Management and Innivations Development

About the department

The department of management and innovative development introduces innovative methods into the learning process, which contribute to the development of students' critical thinking skills, creative solving of tasks, teamwork and development of leadership qualities.

The Department of Management and Innovative Development is part of the KROK Business School

Studying with us you get:

  • training with professional teaching staff;
  • individual approach to each applicant;
  • use of interactive learning methods and new information technologies;
  • the opportunity to listen to courses taught by foreign teachers in English;
  • gaining practical experience in creating and implementing own projects;
  • participation in thematic courses with obtaining certificates;
  • participation in grant programs from the European Union.

Graduates of the department conduct active scientific work, participate in scientific competitions and practical cases by specialty. Regular participation in international conferences and scientific internships is an important practical experience for students. Teachers and students regularly participate in social projects at the national and international levels.

Research Focus :

The scientific activities of the department include participation in scientific and practical events, such as conferences, seminars, round tables, etc., publication of articles in specialized domestic and foreign publications, preparation of reports on scientific research works, publication of monographs and dissertations, supervision of students' scientific work and graduate students

The main results of scientific research by the department's teachers, used during the preparation of lecture notes, methodological instructions for practical classes and independent study of the department's disciplines, are provided, among others, in the works:

  • Formation of a strategy for sustainable economic development
  • Innovative technologies of modern business administration
  • Anti-crisis management of business in conditions of natural and man-made emergencies and martial law;
  • Mediation and resolution of conflicts in business activities;
  • Digital transformation and liberalization of modern business space in Ukraine

International Activity:

One of the main directions of the department's activity is the development of all types of international cooperation, the preparation of students for professional activities at the level of world standards. International activities are aimed at ensuring integration into the international university community, obtaining additional opportunities for accelerated development within the framework of the Bologna process and European integration.

The educational programs of the training courses are compiled taking into account the aspect of Ukraine's international contacts, both historically and in terms of the current state of international relations.

It should be noted the active cooperation of the department's teachers in world-renowned professional communities, such as the European Foundation for the Development of Management - efmd, the Association for the Development of Management in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe - CEEMAN, Principles of Responsible Management Education - PRME, Rating of the Positive Impact of Business Schools - PIR and other.

The most productive form of improving knowledge and preparing for professional activity is the exchange of best practices and experience among students, graduate students, teachers, as well as regular meetings with outstanding scientists, businessmen, representatives of professional communities, and government officials.