
Corporate training for creative thinking and innovation

Be creative - otherwise you will lose!

Creativity is the ability to effectively solve problems in non-standard non-obvious ways, to generate innovations that can satisfy the needs of a specific target audience. Successful companies today are those that can use creativity technologies to create innovations that make life easier for consumers and distinguish the company from competitors. This is what leads to the financial success of the company. You can learn how to create innovations by developing creative thinking and mastering the technologies for creating unique ideas.

KROK Business School offers to train your company's staff in creative thinking methods.

Why should your employees develop creative thinking?

  • to be able to find competitive advantages and stand out in a competitive environment
  • to become a creative inspirational leader and successfully lead a team
  • to learn creative thinking technologies to find effective ways to solve business problems
  • to be able to create a new products or services
  • to bring the company to a new level of development

After completing the program, you will receive:

  • understanding of the psychology of creative thinking and mechanics for idea generating
  • activation of individual creative potential
  • the ability to take a fresh look at familiar things
  • problem solving skills
  • strategies for generating maximum viable innovative ideas
  • practical tools for efficiently generating ideas and turning them into real projects in accordance with the company's field of activity
  • the ability to correctly formulate problems to find solutions
  • ability to recognize viable and innovative ideas
  • creative leadership strategies to create an innovative climate in the company
  • unique experience in creating a commercial innovation: from an idea to a step-by-step implementation plan

Who should be trained?

  • Managers of different levels
  • CIO - Chief Innovation Officer
  • CMO - Chief Marketing Officer
  • All key employees involved in the development of new initiatives, projects, development of directions, solving problems, searching for new ideas.

How we will train you:

  • Training is conducted by Oksana Sedashova - International Creativity Ambassador in Ukraine (UN), a creative expert with 24 years of experience, who will develop an individual program for your team of employees, with considering the type of company's activity
  • Recommended duration of training - 3-5 days (21-35 hours)
  • We will coordinate with you a convenient training schedule
  • Offline in Ukraine or online
  • 30% theory, 70% practice
  • Analysis and working out with business cases, development and testing of real ideas
  • Author's teaching materials
  • Interactive learning, facilitative-coaching approach to teaching, project method
  • Pitching of ideas and instructor's feedback, individual recommendations