In October 2020, Odessa Regional Mediation Group, with the support of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), invited students and instructors of higher education institutions to participate in an international project consisted of the series of webinars and workshops "Empowering Youth with conflict analysis skills - empowering community". The GPPAC-supported project aimed to gain conflict analysis skills, with real-world case studies, and to share knowledge and skills among the youth of the Eastern European region.
A team of 5 students and 1 instructor from the KROK Business School took part in the competition, who are participants of the MEDIATS project with the support of ERASMUS +.
During 3 months from October to December, 2020 the project participants had the opportunity to analyze the cases provided by the organizers and present solution, and in the final each team presented its own project of conflict analysis of their community.
The team of MEDIATS Business School KROK - master's students in the program "Mediation and Conflict Management" presented the final project entitled "Conflict around the floodplain meadows of the village of Khoroshky, Poltava region." The presentation of this project took place in the form of a video in which team members presented a description of the case and a detailed analysis of the conflict using several analysis tools. The project leader was Oksana Demchenko, aninstructor at the KROK Business School.
Considering the demonstrated deep knowledge in conflictology, the ability to use methods and tools of conflict analysis, creativity in the preparation of presentation materials, by the jury voting method, the team of KROK Business School won a first place.
We are proud of our students and congratulate the winners of the competition!