Confirm your knowledge with an International Certification - strengthen your professionalism and value on the labor market!
KROK Business School has successfully passed the accreditation of Baltum Büroo OÜ, an international certification body based in Europe, Great Britain, and the United States. It specializes in ISO quality management systems and provides professional certification and development for staff. The company is accredited by ASCB (Accreditation Service for Certifying Bodies) and the International Register of Quality Assessed Organizations (IRQAO) and is one of the key players in the ISO, QHS, Information Security and Environmental standards certification market. Baltum Büroo OÜ is also part of a partnership community with such prestigious international organizations as UNICERT (Germany), Swiss Approval (Switzerland), Bureau Veritas, URS (Great Britain) and GCERTI (South Korea).
The evaluation of KROK Business School programs was carried out by international experts based on the principles of independence and objectivity.
Now graduates of programs who have confirmed their level of knowledge and successfully passed the international certification exam can become holders of certificates:
- Professional in General Management (PGM)
- Professional in Human Resource Management (PHRM)
- Professional in Lean Production (Green Belt, Black Belt) (PLP)
International certification provides a huge advantage both for the career development of specialists on the national and global labor market, and for organizations, since the verification of knowledge and confirmation of the skills of employees significantly raises the level of quality of the work performed, which contributes to increasing efficiency and business growth.
In order to take advantage of the certification of Baltum Büroo OÜ and to receive an international assessment of your knowledge, we invite you to study at accredited programs: