
Program Executive Doctorate Degree in Business, DBA

The uniqueness of the program

The KROK Business School offers program under the Executive Doctorate Degree, Swiss Montreux Business School program according to the "1 + 1" formula. The essence of the formula is that after graduating from the General MBA program of the Business School or another educational institution in Ukraine, students can study remotely under the Executive Doctorate Degree in Business issued by Swiss Montreux Business School (hereinafter SMBS) (Montreux, Switzerland). Thus, after completing a one and a half year course of study, an MBA graduate can continue the studies at a more advanced level of the Executive Doctorate Degree.

COOPERATION with Swiss Montreux Business School

KROK Business School has a strategic partnership with SMBS, which has the highest accreditation from the Swiss government. Students from more than 70 countries of the world study at the Montreux Business School.

SMBS is a partner recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

Thanks to Swiss state accreditation, Swiss Monteux Business School diplomas are recognized by all countries of the world. That is why SMBS, Montreux, has rightfully been included in the list of the largest universities in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.


A graduate of the program receives an Executive Doctorate Degree in Business SMBS, which has state registration in Switzerland, the name of the graduate is entered into the general information system SMBS.

Thus, employers will always be able to obtain confirmation of the legitimacy of the diploma by contacting SMBS in Switzerland.

Accreditation and licenses


Diploma SMBS

Benefits of the program

Mastering the Executive Doctorate Degree program is a huge advantage for those who are planning a career as a top manager in the global job market.

Before the start of the program, a university e-mail account is created for each student, to which every 2 weeks professors send study materials in the language in which you have chosen to take the course.

The entire DBA program consists of 10 study units (units) which include 120 ECTS credits, as required by the classic Swiss DBA degree.

Executive Doctorate Degree program is conducted in five different languages, including Russian, which will allow students to choose the language in which they will be most comfortable learning.

  • According to the requirements of the Bologna educational system, the examination approach for the DBA program is designed in the form of writing 10 written control essays, which at the end of the program will be counted as writing a DBA Thesis.
  • Within two weeks after each of the 10 study units, a 1500-word control essay (4-5 pages of A4 sample) should be written, developed in an "open book" format. This means that students are allowed to use study notes to complete the written task.

The cost of the SMBS Executive Doctorate Degree distance course is 5,000 euros.

Available Executive Doctorate Degree courses

  1. Business Administration
  2. Project Management
  3. Corporate Finance
  4. Strategic management
  5. International Marketing
  6. Human Resource Management
  7. Psychology
  8. Sports management
  9. Banking
  10. International Law
  11. Sociology
  12. Political science
  13. Tourism and Hospitality
  14. Logistics
  15. Health and Epidemiology
  16. International relations
  17. Environmental Science
  18. IT (Information Technology)
  19. Journalism