Why creativity?
Creativity is a gift given to everyone in order to create beautiful and exciting scenarios of their lives, to feel the fullness of life through their own authenticity and manifestation of themselves in the world. This superpower will help you get through times of crisis with innovative solutions.
We all have creativity, but do we know how to use it correctly? We can help activate this skill for you and show you how to work with creativity in our everyday and business life!
That's why we created the program Creative thinking BASICS - the first step to creativity, which will help you understand the main aspects of creativity, learn about the basic concepts, approaches and strategies of creative thinking.
For whom?
A constant pile of ideas, but you couldn't figure out which one would really lead to success?
There are many thoughts, but what to do with them?
This program is for you if you are a person who always had a lot of ideas and non-standard solutions, but did not know how to effectively use them in reality.
Creative thinking will become an indispensable tool in business life, so it is ideal for business owners, authors of business ideas, top managers, marketers, art directors, designers, content authors, project managers, lean managers, specialists, managers and members of NGOs - non-governmental public organizations, facilitators of strategic sessions.
What will you get after completing the "Creative Thinking BASICS" program?
1st class. 2 hours Discovering creativity
During the class, there will be a study of the concept of "creativity" and its manifestations, a study of the signs and elements of creative thinking, a test of one's own level of creative thinking, exercises to activate one's own creativity through the search for authenticity. We will plan strategies for the individual development of creativity. |
2 classes. 2 hours Psychology of creativity
We will continue to activate your creative potential through the study of your own perception systems. Let's devote time to the development of imagination and fantasy. We transform the inner critic into the inner magician. We will dive into different phases of the creative process, we will think divergently. |
3 classes. 2 hours Correct formulation of the problem
We will delve into the ability to see a problem from different angles and clearly define it. You will learn to imagine what ideal result you would like to achieve. You will learn the secrets of brainstorming correctly. |
4 classes. 2 hours Ideas generation techniques
We will dive into the art of generating ideas. Only fantasy, imagination, permission to generate the most unexpected ideas - fantastic, strange, unrealistic. Because it is ideas like these that give life to real innovations. |
5 classes. 2 hours Insight
You will learn to work with insights, determine the criteria for strong, dominant ideas, refine "raw" ideas. Master the harmonious transition from divergent to convergent thinking. You will know how to organize a team process of selecting ideas without conflict. Learn about the CPS method and go through all its phases, looking for solutions for a business case. |
6 classes. 2 hours Selection of ideas
You will learn the answer to the question of how to make the right decision. Get acquainted with the matrix of step-by-step preparation of an idea for implementation - from goal setting and expected result to terms and steps. Learn to be persuasive when presenting an idea. |
7 classes. 2 hours Preparation for
The final class is devoted to the integration of all the studied material: from the affirmation of one's personality as a creative person to the formation of a further development plan. We will consolidate the skill to think creatively and properly organize the creative process. You will present the final certification assignment. |
Conditions of participation
The cost of participation is UAH 15,500
Duration of study - 1 month
7 classes in the evening
We provide a 5-12% discount for group orders (2 or more participants from one company), as well as for students and graduates of BSK. Contact the manager to find out the terms of your discount.