
Stress Management

Format: online, offline, corporate

Interactive workshop 2 days, from 10.a.m. to 6 p.m.


The program also provided

in a corporate format on the orders of companies.

Order a program in a corporate format

Participation Fee:

upon request

Workshop will be useful for

  • Directors
  • Managers
  • HR directors and specialists

Why you should participate in the Workshop:

  • Reason 1.
    Stress is our permanent condition and we need to learn to live, not to exist in a huge stream of information, in times of crisis, growing competition, lack of time, fear of change, lack of confidence in the future, unrest in internal corporate communication and personal life.
  • Reason 2.
    You can better understand yourself, get self-organizing skills and confront unhealthy communication, control your emotional state.
  • Reason 3.
    You will understand: you can cope with stress and be successful, live a full life, do not spoil it yourself and others, at work and at home.

STRESS MANAGEMENT Workshop will help participants 

  • Understand the nature of your stress;
  • Determine the importance of setting goals and priorities;
  • Learn about their psychological roles and how they affect our behavior and sense of happiness;
  • Understand the cause of intrapersonal and external conflicts and carry out their prevention;
  • Resist non-environmental impact (manipulation, psychological pressure);
  • Learn methods of strategic and tactical management of their emotional state;
  • Be happier at work and outside it.

Workshop program



Block 1 Stress. What is it

1. The concept of stress.

2. Causes of stress in the manager.

3. Emotional burnout. Signs of burnout.

4. What we control and what controls us.

5. Strategies for behavior in stress - useful and not very.

6. How to make stress useful.

Discussion, group moderation

Block 2. Goal! Do you like and ... what?

1. How we set goals.

2. What to listen to: mind or heart?

3. Awesome goals.

4. Ours are not our goals. Prioritization.

5. Change the target or reach it.

6. Doztigator. How to become them.

7. Where to take light when everything is not easy?

Set up the personal goals,

Personal priorities listing

Block 3. Conflict - a source of stress.

1. The reasons for the conflict.

2. Prevention of conflicts depending on the causes of the occurrence.

3. How not to emotion in the conflict or to reduce the destructive effect of the conflict.

4. Methods of facilitating the conflict - for themselves and the team.

5. Algorithm for negotiations on conflict resolution.

Role play

Demonstration of facilitative approach

in the conflict resolution.

Work on real conflict

From participant practice

Block 4. Unhealthy communication - a source of stress.

1. Manipulation and psychological attacks - methods of diagnostics.

2. The supervisor-manipulator and subordinate manipulators - who is who?

3. Weaknesses - targets for communicative aggressors.

4. How to find and heal your weaknesses.

5. Manipulative traps and ways to confront them.

6. How to minimize uneconomical communication.

Individual diagnostics of weak points of


Exercises for confrontation

manipulation and

psychological pressure.

Block 5. What is further?

Group will be trained to apply

every instrument

Block 6. Personal Action Plan

Participants prescribe an individual plan for reducing stress in their lives.

Questions and Answers.

Feedback from trainer and participants.

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