
Workshop "Formation of a Balanced Scorecard for Utility Companies in Kyiv"

At the end of the year, in December 2017, BSK conducted a workshop for employees of the Department of Economics and Investments of the Kyiv City State Administration on the "Formation of a Balanced Scorecard for Utility Companies in Kyiv".

The objectives of the training were to familiarize participants with the system of balanced score card and the need to introduce a system of balanced indicators as an instrument for implementing the Kyiv strategy.

Also, during the workshop, the participants developed key performance indicators for Kyiv municipal enterprises and evaluated activities.

We hope that by joint efforts of both BSK and KSCA we contribute to the implementation of the Kyiv City Development Strategy and create the basis for providing services to consumers of utility companies at a high level. We thank the leadership of the Department of Economics and Investment for fruitful cooperation and mutual understanding of the importance of the work begun. To be continued.

We wish success to KSCA in the implementation of the plans!

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