
Successful Defense of Thesis and Diploma Awarding for Global Business Management International Program Students

Today, at the KROK Business School, an important milestone was reached for students of the Global Business Management international program. Following extensive and diligent study, students presented their thesis projects before an expert committee and successfully defended it.

The committee, comprised of leading experts in international business, highly praised the students' level of preparation and the quality of their research. They demonstrated a profound understanding of contemporary trends and the ability to analyze complex business scenarios.

Following the successful defense of their projects, students were awarded diplomas, of the state standard, which are recognized in 52 countries of the world. This achievement underscores not only their personal academic maturity but also their readiness for the challenges of the modern global market.

KROK Business School takes pride in its graduates and congratulates them on completing their studies. This day marks a significant step in their professional careers and personal development.

Graduates of the "Global Business Management" program express their gratitude to the faculty for their support and valuable advice, as well as to everyone who contributed to their success.

We wish our graduates continued success and professional growth!