
Participation of representatives of KROK Business School in the International Forum of Sustainable Development 2023 (ISF2023)

On September 20 and 21, 2023, the International Sustainable Development Forum 2023 (ISF2023) was held in Kyiv and The Hague, the goal of which was to consolidate experts, business and authorities of Ukraine and the EU for the restoration and development of the economy on the basis of sustainability. The forum has been organized by the Association of Sustainable Development Experts (ASDE) for the third year in a row. This year's event was attended by representatives of KROK Business School - Olga Karpova, Nataliya Kalinina and Lyudmila Kosovych.

The main task of the Forum was to discuss proposals for the formation of the fundamentals of the "Green Strategy of Ukraine" for the next 20 years. The Green Strategy of Ukraine is a strategy for the country's development based on the principles of sustainability. Since Ukraine acquired the status of a candidate for EU membership, there are a number of requirements that must be implemented by the state of Ukraine. Initiatives that form the basis of the "road map" were discussed and presented at the forum. Based on it, an action plan should be developed, which will be submitted to the Government of Ukraine for consideration.

The fact that ministers, deputy ministers, representatives of the banking sector, experts of international organizations, and business representatives attended the Forum and speaks of the state's attention to issues of sustainable development. Alina Sokolenko, Head of ASDE, international expert on sustainable financing and ideologue of ISF2023 noted in her speech that "it seemed that during the war, numerous crises and challenges, theses about the sustainable development of society sound rather skeptical. However, the key principles of sustainable development should be included in every decision at all levels of state policy. Environmental, social and management criteria are the language of investment, which Ukraine should take into account in the dialogue with Western European partners.

Therefore, at the Forum, we set ourselves the goal of developing a practical mechanism, and then a strategy for the country's development on the basis of sustainability, with the involvement of all key stakeholders both inside the country and outside." KROK Business School, as an organization that joined PRME, pays great attention to the principles of sustainable development, studying the best global practices and experience of responsible management education.