
Nataliia Kalinina participated in the international training program "ArtNoConflict" for trainers

Nataliya Kalinina,PhD, instructor of the Master of Mediation and Conflict Resolution program, associate professor of the Department of Management and Innovative Development of the KROK Business School, took part in the international training program "ArtNoConflict" for trainers from July 10 to 20, 2024, which is implemented as part of Erasmus + and financed by the European Union. The program involves training 2,000 young people from Ukraine, the Netherlands, Georgia and Latvia in basic mediation and conflict resolution skills. Why is it important to develop this direction, because the world has changed. Environmental friendliness in relations between people becomes one of the main priorities of sustainable development.

Will it become a priority in Ukraine one day? And yet - a long journey always begins with small steps. Trainers were trained in Dortrecht, in the Netherlands, on the basis of the Netherlands Business Academy, a partner of KROK University and KROK Business School. We appreciate the cooperation, active work and energy of our colleagues from different countries, and are personally grateful to Prof. Jan van Zwieten for such intensive and highly productive training. Thank you to all colleagues from Ukraine, Georgia and Lithuania for the open and friendly atmosphere and exchange of experience!