
Lifehack lecture “How to be creative using the laws of the brain?”

April 13, 2020 14:00 - 15:20

Speaker - Maryna Vezhis. Neuropsychologist, member of the Ukrainian Association of Neuropsychology, member of the Ukrainian Psychotherapists Societ, participant in the psychotherapeutic training program in logotherapy and existential analysis A. Längle (GLE - International, Austria), co-founder of the Golden Griffin Educational Center.


  • clarify the “myth of inspiration”
  • introduce the laws of the brain
  • give an understanding of how to think creatively and to direct and control this process yourself
  • introduce to modern knowledge about the work of the brain
  • make the thinking process more visual and understandable for effective management of yourself and your life

Short description

Inspiration does not come suddenly. A human suddenly finds out that his brain has thought of something. Behind insight, inspiration and catharsis are neurophysiological mechanisms; there is no mysticism in them. There are certain brain modes that “think” for us. Neuropsychologist Maryna Vezhis will tell:

  • What does the real creative process look like from the point of view of the brain?
  • What is needed for the process of inspiration to happen by itself?
  • What is the modern knowledge that allows you to take your thinking, including creative, under control.

As a result of the participation in the lifehack lecture, the participants:

  1. Understand the secret of creativity: the neurophysiology of the creative process
  2. Learn how inspiration works - do I have to wait for it?
  3. Learn what creative brains are: how to create products / services / businesses according to the laws of the brain

Where can this knowledge be applied?

  1. Creating a new business - advertising creative, products, services, businesses
  2. Writing: how to make texts write themselves
  3. Life management: how to teach yourself to be create
