On the eve of New Year we invite you to take part in the Business Club Meeting on the topic «Vertical Development is the New Paradigm of Success».
Elena Khomenko is the guest speaker of the Club, visiting professor of BSK, consultant for leaders and team’s development. Elena will share with attendees the latest trends and insight in organizational development and how to apply them in coming year.
When you want to know how to move forward the team energy on maintaining success under ever changing conditions, join conversation about:
«Immunity to changes» stops growth and teams’ development;
Leaders and Organizational Vertical Development makes an impact on organizational evolution success;
To awaken, support and use the "mind of the teams" to launch profound changes in organizations.
“I believe that the problems of leaders are born out of the illusion of non-involvement with the world and the community. Getting rid of this illusion, you can reach a new level. This is how we find the necessary allies, motivation, and resources to start the processes leading to the creation of such a team, and the kind of business that we have always sought.” - Elena Khomenko.
Elena Khomenko, Guest Speaker of the Club, MBA, CPCC, ACC
Lecturer in Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, Toronto, Canada.
She worked for more than 15 years as the head of branches of international companies in Europe, Latin America and Canada, in particular for three years she was vice president of marketing and sales of Philipp Morris in Canada. For the past three years, Elena has been engaged in advising on the development of leadership - the executive coach of SkyLine Group International for top managers. She accompanies the top management of commercial and non-profit organizations in the field of building training teams.
Elena holds an MBA from the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago and a professional accreditation from the International Coaches Federation. Currently, Elena lives in Canada, where she is engaged in teaching and completing her doctoral dissertation on the development of leaders in organizations.
When: December 21, 2017 at 4 p.m., 2 hours
Format: Interactive Discussion