
A discussion club on the topic "Business of Ukraine in the conditions of war: experience of adaptation"

On September 21, 2024, a meeting in the format of a discussion business club on the topic "Business of Ukraine in conditions of war: experience of adaptation" was held at the KROK Business School. The discussion was attended by more than 40 participants, among whom were graduates of master's programs, students, teachers, representatives of business and non-governmental organizations. The speakers were Oleksandr Kalinin, Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Innovative Development of the KROK Business School, Tetyana Mosiychuk, Ph.D., Dean of the KROK Business School, Polina Ovcharova, Director of the Construction Guild Company, Anastasia Bortnik, Doctor of Economics, associate professor, expert in medical management. Moderator of the discussion Olga Karpova introduced the audience to the study of Advanter Group ( of the state of SMEs in Ukraine held in May 2024. For example, the development of Ukrainian business is hindered not only by the war, but also by the following factors:

  • the unpredictability of the development of the situation in Ukraine
  • unforeseen actions of the state, which can worsen the state of business
  • lack of a sufficient number of solvent customers on the domestic market
  • lack of sufficient capital
  • lack of qualified workers
  • high taxes and fees

 Attendees were informed by experts Tetyana Mosiychuk and Oleksandr Kalinin about the research of the World Bank and the IMF on the state of the economy and trends. During the discussion, there were questions about strategies and solutions, innovations and technologies, risk insurance. Polina Ovcharova shared her experience of adapting the "Building Guild" company to wartime conditions. Anastasia Bortnik spoke about the unique experience of treatment and prosthetics acquired by Ukrainian doctors during the war.

The main topics for discussion were:

  • changes in the structure of industries and organization of production
  • promising niches and directions
  • the level of demand for various products and services
  • difficulties in attracting investments
  • the level of effectiveness of state support during the war
  • adaptation strategies
  • the impact of war on supply chains and logistics
  • relocation of productions
  • protection of employees, support of their motivation and productivity.

The participants of the event actively participated in the discussion, asked questions, and proposed topics for future meetings. The full recording of the event can be viewed on the KROK Business School YouTube page.

We are grateful to the experts and participants for their active participation in a useful and informative discussion and hope for new meaningful meetings in the near future.