
FAQ about the General MBA

General MBA program provides an opportunity to gain not only knowledge but also the tools for successful self-realization in a short period of time.

  • We value your resource - time. We offer convenient learning format, our MBA - a great opportunity to combine training and employment.
  • We can not accept customers from the "extra" money. Our fair price + various payment options for tuition.
  • Studies carried out by practitioners and business people, who have extensive experience in the business and with the business and not from textbooks.
  • The program is aimed at developing management capacity and life strategies each student to make a successful major business project - life;. 
  • Students develop an individual graduation project of integration based on the principles of specificity, validity, feasibility, and aims to solve participant specific business problems.

You must pass two tests:

  • Foreign Language (English, French, German);
  • "General Management"

During the year. All forms to be filled are on the site.

  • Flexible payment schedule, payment online;
  • Discount of 5% for the participants promo STEP Business School; employees of member companies of the European Business Association (EBA); for admission to the program from 2 to 5 people from the same company; couples;
  • Up to 7% provided during the enrollment more than 5 people from the same company.
  • Each student the opportunity to develop a personal development plan for at least 5 years.
  • We track the progress of each student teaching, beginning with his self-esteem at the entrance to the program, identify areas for development and monitor progress after the first year and at the end of the program.
  • The program provides systematization of knowledge and previous experience on the principle: "Build your mosaic", forms strategic thinking.

In developing the program took into account the requirements of international standards for MBA programs developed by leading global professional organizations in the field of management and business -efmd (European Foundation for Management Development,, the Association of MBAs ( We plan to invite to the application of foreign teachers, experts and businessmen who bring their expertise and experience that will enrich the program. 

In addition, students have the opportunity to study simultaneously in two business schools: the General MBA program after the first year of study and register online for the program International MBA, created within the framework of the strategic partnership KROK Business School and Swiss Montreux Business Schoo.



Professional, trained staff - the main asset of any company. If the company is committed to success, she is interested in the well-trained, experienced, trained managers. MBA - is a great tool for businesses of any industries to train qualified personnel. The main feature of the MBA program is its versatility. People studying for an MBA can work in any industry. Competent and confident employee successfully working in a company effectively implements a business project at any level, the extent of his professional impact of increases.

The program is based on the principle of consistency, consistency and comprehensiveness and consists of 6 interlinked building blocks: "Understanding the Business Landscape", "Functional Activities", "Improving Managerial Effectiveness", "Life Strategy", "Strategy Without Borders", "Prospects for Development ".

We offer three diplomas options to our customers, and they can choose depending on your preference:

  • Diploma in General MBA of KROK Business School;
  • Diploma of Master of Business Administration Swiss Montreux Business School (optional);
  • Master's Degree in Business Administration state standard (optional).