
Discussion Business - Club on topic "Moral Decency of Staff: How This Is Important for Effective Business?"

Venue: BiblioTech Smart Cafe Address: 120, Saksaganskiy St., Kiev Date: February 18, 2015 Time: 16:30 -18:30 Duration: 2 hours



Guest of Business Club - Bogdan Gorodnitsky, representative MIDOT in Ukraine

Discussion at the meeting of the Business Club February 18, 2015, we will discuss the important and topical subject "Moral Decency of Staff: How This Is Important for Effective Business?" It's about minimizing the risk of destructive behavior (violation, theft, fraud) by the staff of the company, the search for effective methods of evaluation, advanced tools able to evaluate the trustworthiness of the candidate applying for a responsible/risk position in the company. Club members will learn about the procedure of the Israeli Company MIDOT, designed to assess the trustworthiness of the candidate to work and loyalty of employees.

The Program of the Meeting:

16:30 - 16:40 

Opening remarks by Olga Karpova, Executive Director of BSK. Welcome, introduction, participants' expectations

16:40 – 17:30

"Moral Decency of Staff, How This Is Important for Effective Business?"

Bogdan Gorodnitsky, representative MIDOT in CIS

Questions and answers і.

17:30 – 18:00

Representatives of the companies Interpipe and DTEK, using MIDOT tools

Questions and answers


General discussion. Questions and answers. The final summary, conclusions

Participation fee: 79 UAH.