
Olha Dymnich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of the Department of Banking and Insurance

Olha Dymnich graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Finance and Economics, with a Master's degree with honors in "Finance" and a qualification in financial management. In 2015, she defended her PhD thesis on "The Social Insurance System and Ways to Improve It in Ukraine" in the specialty 08.00.08 "Money, Finance, and Credit" under the supervision of Doctor of Economics, Professor V.M. Fedosov, and received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

She is the author of more than 70 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 4 collective monographs and a textbook "Social Insurance." Based on her research, she has participated in over 60 international and national scientific and scientific-methodical conferences. She is the author and lecturer of courses such as "Social Insurance," "Insurance Regulation and Supervision," "International Insurance Business," and training courses "Insurance Visa-Free" and "Innovations in Insurance and Insurtech."

She holds 5 Copyright Certificates for scientific works issued in 2023-2024. Her research interests include insurance, social insurance, international insurance, investment insurance, Insurtech, innovations in insurance, and compliance management of insurance companies.