
Webinar «Searching for creative solutions»

Duration - 2 hours

Format: Zoom

Conditions of participation: free of charge

Speaker: Oksana Sedashova, PhD, Associate Professor of KROK Business School, International Ambassador for Creativity in Ukraine. Activates the creative and innovative potential of business and government teams, helps in creating innovations.

Imagine that you need to get together with your team to find new effective ideas to solve problems or to propose new approaches, products, services. How you create the design of such a creative meeting will depend on its results - the quality of the proposed ideas.

What will you face?

  • With chaos
  • Inability to clearly define what exactly you want to solve
  • Banality of ideas
  • Reluctance to propose ideas and take responsibility for their implementation

What to do with it?

By attending the webinar " Searching for creative solutions ", you will learn how to:

  • Correctly formulate the task for finding ideas
  • Techniques for finding innovative and original ideas
  • Methods of development, refinement of ideas and their joining to reality
  • Framework for transforming an idea into a project

The webinar will take place in the format of a practical workshop, where everyone present will have the opportunity to practice creating and developing ideas.

Register to learn how to manage the process of birth of truly breakthrough ideas!

Lyubov Krukovska For more information: Lyubov Krukovska
+38 044 339 90 63
+38 097 601 61 21