
The basic knowledge management tools

Victoria Oleshko, BSK instructor

Content-leader of the Knowledge Management School

Over the past years, corporate amnesia and the process of disseminating knowledge among employees have become increasingly important. How to ensure the preservation of expert knowledge in the company? How to involve employees in the system of knowledge dissemination? How to effectively teach lessons from crisis situations and projects, and then use them in their work? Answers to these questions provide knowledge management.

Knowledge management is a relatively young discipline that offers a large number of tools that allow you to create, organize, store, distribute and use knowledge in a more efficient way. The tools you use in your company form your unique knowledge management system. What exactly are the tools to choose? It depends on your strategy. A knowledge management strategy should provide you with answers to three questions:

  • Where is your company currently?

  • Where would you like to be?

  • How to get from point A to point B?

An audit of knowledge will help assess the current situation. The result of an audit is a map of knowledge that answers the questions about the most important expertise that the company owns: which of the employees is the most experienced and trained and expert in this? Your task is to decide exactly how to make it impossible to turn off the most critical knowledge of the company. For this purpose, there are such knowledge management tools as mentoring, knowledge bases, final interviews, etc.

Think about the goals of your business strategy. What kind of knowledge does your company need from this point of view? Choose and implement the tools that will help you create, distribute and save this knowledge: retrospective, flight analysis, colleagues' meeting, poking, best practices book, ideas bank, community of practitioners, etc. Some of these tools require special IT platforms, while others are just your desire and basic facilitation skills.

Get started with where you are now and add new tools step by step. Do not hesitate: you need time to create a knowledge management culture in your company. The cornerstone of this culture is trust. There is no trust amongst your company's employees to spread knowledge, but you will not be able to build a culture of trust quickly.

And finally: start the cycle again. The implementation of knowledge management is an endless project. This is training throughout your company life: it has a start, but it has no end.